Mission Planning

Visual Drone Services

Mission Strategy Planning is an important process for every mission requested by a client. Planning a Drone mission guide everybody on day-to-day decisions involved and for evaluating the mission progress.

Drone Mission Strategy Planning

Process Steps:

  1. Customer request: Client fills out a form for an estimate.
  2. Mission analysis: We analyze mission requirements and job scope to prepare an estimate.
  3. Estimate submission: Client gets an estimate.
  4. Estimate Approval: Client confirms estimate acceptance.
  5. Detailed Planning Process: We analyze, working out together with client, step-by- step the mission, to avoid errors or misunderstandings at the time of mission execution and subsequent photographs and videos delivery.
  6. Mission Execution: Pilots and photographers comply the mission gave it to them.
  7. Production and editing: Videos and photographs are edited if it is need it.
  8. Delivery Production: Video and photography shots are sent back to client.
  9. Client feedback.